Data in accordance with section 5 of the German Teleservices Act (TMG)
Eurogru Service GmbH
Am Dornbusch 10
D-64390 Erzhausen
Nico Di Salvo
Gaetano Di Salvo
VAT Reg No.: DE 812536154
Tax-No.: 0723250910
German Trade Register: HRB Darmstadt 7183
Webdesign by:
CMS by Contao:
Images: Michael Schmitt/
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The content displayed on this website has been created with care and precise information. The author does not assume any liability whatsoever about the timeliness, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided. As a service provider, the company is responsible in accordance with Art. 7, section 1 TMG for the contents of these web pages in accordance with generally applicable legislation.
However, according to §§ 8 to 10 of the TMG, the company, as a service provider, are not obliged to monitor transmitted or saved information provided by third parties. Obligations to the removal or blockage of the use of information according to the general laws remains untouched from this. A liability referring to this is however only possible from the moment of actual notice of a specific infringement. As soon as the relevant breaches of law are known, the contents, which are open to exertion of influence, will be removed immediately. These pages contain links to external third-party Web sites on whose content the company have no influence. For this reason not any liability can be assumed for such external content. The linked pages were checked at the time the link was established for possible legal infringements and recognizable legal violations. At the time of the linking, unlawful contents were not apparent on the external websites concerned. However, permanent control of the linked pages in terms of content is not reasonable without specific evidence indicating a legal infringement. As soon as the company become aware of a legal violation such contents will be removed immediately.
The created content and works by the site operator are protected by German copyright. Any duplication or use of objects, such as images, diagrams, sounds or texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the author's written agreement. The downloading, saving or printing of individual sites and/or parts of this site is only authorized for private purposes - without commercial use. Regarding the contents of the pages that are not created by the provider, copyrights of third parties are recognized. In particular, third party contents will be referenced. Should you still have reason to believe that a copyright violation has occurred despite the precautionary measures taken, the author kindly requests that you inform him. As soon as we become aware of a legal violation, such contents will be removed immediately.